How to hack Wifi? |The Easiest Way Explained |
The Easiest Way to Hack Wifi !

Most of the people have always wanted to hack wifi but not all suceed. The reason is they think its very complicated process and requires advanced computer skills but
thats not true however, most people don't try or even quit their attempt of hacking wifi beacuse of this reason.But now I am going to show you the easiest and simplest way to hack wifi.
You don't need any strong computer skill or coding knowledge to hack a wifi in this way. So, now just relax and read the entire blog. After reading this you will be able to hack any wifi
easily and show off among your friends and neighbors.But please don't use it for illegal purposes. Note:You can skip the explanation and directly follow the steps if you desire.
Click here to skip the explanation of working mechanism and directly start hacking Wifi.
How it works? |Quick Summary|
When we enter the wifi password in our devices like smartphone or laptop then our device encryptes it and sends to router for authentication, the router matches the encrypted password with the assigned wifi password which is also saved in encrypted form. If the encrypted passwords match then, you get connected to the wifi and hence can access the internet.This encrypted password is called handshake.What if we could capture this other's handshake and somehow decrypt the password and use it to connect our device?Hence we could use the internet right.Remember,directly entering the encrypted passoword won't give you access to wifi,it would go on further encryption and is useless. You need to figure out the actual password of the wifi. But capturing the handshake and decrpting is very lengthy process and complicated method too except this one. You are at the right place.Lets begin.
You will need the following applications to hack wifi. You directly download through the links given below:-
The aircrack-ng tool is a complete wifi hacking tool but in this method, we will use it just to crack the password hash file. Click here to download aircrack-ng.
2.CommView for Wifi
We will use this to capture the handshake file.Handshake means the encrypted password that is send by the wifi using device, e.g mobile phones etc, to wifi Access-Point after reading which the Access-Point grants the wifi device to connect to it and use the internet. Click here to download CommView for Wifi.
3.Dictionaries Files or Word List
Dictionaries or Word List are the collection of the words which can possibly be the wifi password that we are trying to crack.We will try to capture the encrypted password and match it with all the words in the dictionary to see if they match. A successful match means a successful Wifi-Hack. Click here and vist the website to download some wpa-wordlist.
Hacking Steps:-
After downloading all the tools. Follow the steps given below:-
- After installing the commview, open it and click on the Start Capture.
- Switch to Scanner Mode.
- Note the ESSID and BSSID of the wifi you want to hack.ESSID means name and BSSID means Mac address of the wifi. Right click on the wifi you want to hack and click on details.
- Note down the name and mac address of the wifi.
- Switch to packets and let the comm view capture the packets for around 10 minutes.You need to wait till anyone tries to connect to the access point you are trying to hack.
- Now, save the collected Packet Logs.
- Save the collected Packet Logs as Wireshark/TCP dump files.
- Now, open the aircrack-ng folder and go to the bin folder and open Aircrack-ng UI.
- Choose the capture file that you saved.
- Choose the Wordlist file that you downloaded.
- Now,type the name of the wifi you want to hack in theSpecify ESSID.
- Now, type the Mac Address of the wifi in the Specify BSSID.
- Now a cmd prompt screen will appear and the aircrack-ng will try to crack the encrypted handshake. After a while, the cracked password will be shown in the Key Found.

Note:- If the aircrack couldn't crack the Wifi password with the wordlist you tries then.Download some another wordlists and try with them.The Bigger the Wordlist, the Better is the Chance of successful crack. Click here to download more Wordlist.
Congratulation, you have successfully hacked wifi.Now, you have free access to wifi so seat back and enjoy. Comment down if you have any difficult understanding this.Share this if you like. And visit our blog
regulary for more contents like this and other how-to tutorials and tech-infos.Thank you for being with us.
If you just skipped the reading the working technique then please read it.
Click here to know how this method works.