Generally, what we browse on the Internet, may it be social media like Facebook, Twitter, Youtube, etc. or any blog or website that is directly accessible by just a google search or browsers like Chrome, Opera, Explorer,etc. , it all comes under Surface Web. Easier to understand, everything reachable by the google search is a part of Surface Web. But amazingly, this surface part of web is only 4% of the entire web..


The remaining part of the web is the Deep Web which includes highly secured content, eg; bank data, FBI data, government data,etc. So, most of the part of the deep web is not accesbile except for the dark web.

Dark web is the publicly accessible part of the Deep Web. When you are browsing the dark web, you are barely accessible to the normal ISPs of your country because dark web is protected by a series of VPNs and highly secured system. However, it doesn't means that dark web is completely intrackable.


          Like said earlier, dark web is not directly accessible by our normal browsers. So, you need a special browser called TOR browser.

 [Note: TOR stands for The Onion Router. It's called 'onion router' because when you are using TOR you are protected by a layers of VPNs and advanced servers, like the layers of an onion.]



Android: Click here to download for android 

Windows: Click here to download for windows 


 Though the dark web is very popular for its privacy, there are also some reasons not to browse the dark web;

=> Most of the stuffs you need for entertainment are already available in the dark web. There's nothing new for you to browse the dark web.

=> Dark web is full of scammers and hackers, and when you are browsing their site, you are in a high risk of getting hacked or scammed. So, this makes dark web really dangerous.

=> Dark web is totally uncensored. So, in course of browsing dark web, you may see some sites that are involved in weapons selling, drug smuggling or under aged pornographic content. Be aware, these are all illegal activities. So, always be alert before browsing such sites.

 => Dark web is really boring for normal people than you think. If you are thinking that it is full of pirated movies or paid apps, then you should stop it right now. Maybe you should try torrents for that.


So, if you have still planned to visit the dark web, then we have some sample sites you can browser on the dark web. Remember, these sites work only on the TOR browsers.

  i.  http://xcomics5vvoiary2.onion  (adult comics links)

ii. http://kpvz7kpmcmne52qf.onion/  (Tor wiki)

iii.  https://ahmia.fi/   (Tor search engine)

iv.  http://5p6s4vkwdapnsiaw.onion/ (Random Stuffs)

v. http://mjt54q6pagohhimn.onion/  (Direct 18+ videos download)

vi. fqr6po5gl5fa47eock5vi5et76p7g3qceguqzzk7qxlzuracp5xvbzad.onion   (A simple dark web blog)

So, best of luck browsing the dark web. And yes, always be careful of the illegal things out there.





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