Trojan Virus

Like the word 'virus', Trojan is also not itself a technical word. It comes from the Greek mythical story about the Trojan Horse. The giant wooden horse was made and sent as a gift to the prince of Troy. The horse seemed very like a normal wooden gift horse, but inside it had a giant army that broke out of the wooden hourse in a silent night, and destroyed the entire city of troy.
So, basically, trojan is something that seems normal to the outside but is very dangerous from the inside.

So, like the Trojan Horse in the Greek story, a Trojan Virus is like a program which seems very useful to the user, but contains a
malware, spyware or some other virus inside. Basically, Trojans are packed inside the program installers, that do not
even seem dangerous, like WinRAR, Internet Download Manager, bitTorrent, etc. When we install a program that contains Trojan, after
the installation completes the viruses inside Trojan spreads into different parts of our computer and harms us.
The best part with the Trojan Virus is that like other viruses, it does not have to cross the Computer's Internet Securite Barrier (Like the windows FireWall). Since Trojan is
kept inside a useful program, the computer's security system treats it like any other harmless program. So, a trojan
virus spreads very easily across the Internet by fooling the users.
1. In the Trojan Horse story, the horse itself was not the tool that destroyed Troy , but instead the soldiers inside it destroyed the city. Similar to it, Trojan itself is not a program that harms your computer, but the viruses inside it do. So, shortly what I want to tell is, TROJAN ITSELF IS NOT A VIRUS BUT IT IS A CARRIER FOR OTHER VIRUSES.
2. So,the best question that can be asked about Trojan is; WHY WOULD SOMEBODY SPEND HIS TIME MAKING TROJAN?
While there can be many answers to this question, the best answer is that they are paid to do so. Yes, Trojan Makers can earn a lot of money.
Suppose I have a website and it is not getting sufficient visitors. While I can work my ass off and make my website look
better, I can also hire a Trojan Maker and tell him to create a Trojan Virus that opens my website every time the browser is
opened. This way, he gets the money and I get the visitors.
- Always turn the windows Defender On. Windows Defender is far more powerful that many of the antiviruses. It has a lot of tools and dictionaries that allows it to easily detect a Trojan.
- Never download anything from the pop-ups.
- Always downloaded programs from Trusted Sites. When you are downloading softwares from a random site, even though your software seems harmless, like winRAR or Chrome Installer, there is a high chance that it is edited and filled with some Trojan. The most trusted site for downloading software is Softonic