Trojan Virus

Trojan Virus THE TROJAN VIRUS Like the word 'virus', Trojan is also not itself a technical word. It comes from the Greek mythical story about the Trojan Horse. The giant wooden horse was made and sent as a gift to the prince of Troy. The horse seemed very like a normal wooden gift horse, but inside it had a giant army that broke out of the wooden hourse in a silent night, and destroyed the entire city of troy. So, basically, trojan is something that seems normal to the outside but is very dangerous from the inside. So, WHAT IS A TROJAN IN COMPUTER? So, like the Trojan Horse in the Greek story, a Trojan Virus is like a program which seems very useful to the user, but contains a malware, spyware or some other virus inside. Basically, Trojans are packed inside the program installers, that do not even seem dangerous, like WinRAR, Internet Download Manager, bitTorrent, etc. When we install a program that contains Trojan, after the i...